(ENDPOINT TEST !) Test component PDP - M3161

M3161 - Novulo Verwachte Betalingstransacties

This article is a proof of concept, intended to gather feedback

The software component M3161 - Novulo Verwachte Betalingstransacties is designed to manage and track expected monetary transactions, primarily linked to invoices but also applicable to other financial activities such as insurance claims and online payments. It allows businesses to create, update, and monitor expected transactions, providing essential features like transaction amounts, descriptions, references, expected dates, and payment methods.

By integrating this component into your business application, you can streamline financial processes, enhance cash flow management, and improve accuracy in tracking incoming and outgoing payments. This leads to better financial planning, reduced errors in transaction handling, and improved overall efficiency in managing your company’s finances.

  1. Introduced optional consumption of N_ExpectedTransaction for setting payment references based on payment method.
  2. N_ExpectedTransaction status can now be reverted to draft.
  3. Invoice templates can utilize %factuurnummer_leverancier% for dynamic invoice number display.
  4. New product feature enables field/process production for integration with other components, with no application impact.
  5. The generated payment reference will no longer be stored in the database based on the expected transaction ID, with no further application impact.
First revision created at: 2011-11-23 12:04:14
Last modified at: 2024-07-18 17:17:17
Owner: Novulo
Domain: Finance
Available languages: English and Dutch
Number of utilization hours: 88,271,348
Number of production applications containing M3161: 38
Produced concepts
  • N_ExpectedTransaction
    An expected transaction stores an expectation for an incoming or outgoing monetary transaction. Typically, these originate from invoices. Additionally, depending on the business processes, they can also originate from other concepts including insurance claim pay-outs, POS cash transfers or web payments before an invoice is created.
Produced features
  • N_Amount not paid normalized (fx)
    This function returns the amount paid on an invoice, based on the transactions.

    • parent concept: N_Invoice
    • type: MoneyEUR (Primitive)
  • N_Description
    This is a human-readable description of the transaction.

    • For automatically generated expected transactions, this is usually the invoice number or sales number.
    • In many cases, this description may also be the same as the transaction reference.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: String (Primitive)
  • N_Reference
    The reference for the expected transaction isused to match payments to the actual transaction.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: String (Primitive)
  • N_Amount (fx)
    This function returns the amount of the expected transaction in the provided currency.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: MoneyEUR (Primitive)
  • N_Date expected
    This is the date when a transaction is expected to be sent or received.

    • For transactions originating from cash payments or payment terminal activities, the expected date is usually the current date.
    • For transactions linked to invoices, the expected date is typically the invoice due date.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: DateTime (Primitive)
  • N_Bank account owner
    This feature stores the bank account details of the company. It specifies:

    • The account used to receive payments for expected incoming transactions.
    • The account from which money is transferred for outgoing payments.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: N_BankAccount (Complex)
  • N_Bank account contact
    This feature stores the bank account details of the company. It specifies:

    • The account to which money is transferred for outgoing payments.
    • The account where expected incoming transactions originate from

- parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction - type: N_BankAccount (Complex)
  • N_Status
    Indicates the status of the expected transaction: either Draft or Final.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: N_ConceptDefinitief (Enumeration)
  • N_Payment method
    The payment method for the expected transaction. Typical values include cash, payment cards like MasterCard or VISA, online payment provides like Worldline, Stripe or MultiSafePay or terminal providers like WiPay.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: N_PaymentMethod (Complex)
  • N_Currency
    The currency for the expected transaction.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: N_Currency (Complex)
  • N_Only invoice (fx)
    When a transaction is associated with a single invoice, the invoice value is returned by this function.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransaction
    • type: N_Invoice (Complex)
  • N_Expected transaction + amount
    This feature links the Expected Transaction Line Item to the Expected Transaction line. It also includes the amount of the line item, which will be added to or substraced from the total amount of the expected transaction.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem
    • type: MoneyEUR (Primitive)
  • N_Priority

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem
    • type: Int (Primitive)
  • N_Type
    The type of the expected transaction line item. It can have two values:

    • Fixed amount - an amount specified in the provided currency
    • Remainder - the remainder amount, originating from the linked invoice and other transactions

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem
    • type: N_VastRestant (Enumeration)
  • N_Tax code
    For expected transaction lines that originate from submitted expenses, it indicates the tax code and percentage that’s included in the transaction line. This is used when transferring the expense to the ledger.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem
    • type: N_Tax (Complex)
  • N_Expected transaction status (fx)
    This function returns the status of the expected transaction.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem
    • type: N_ConceptDefinitief (Enumeration)
  • N_Bank account owner expected transaction (fx)
    This function returns the Bank Account Owner as set as the Expected Transaction.

    • parent concept: N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem
    • type: N_BankAccount (Complex)
Produced processes
  • N_VerwachteTransactie - Nieuw obv Factuur

    • input parameter(s):
      • factuur (N_Invoice)
      • afwijkende_betaalwijze (N_PaymentMethod)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages)
  • N_Factuur - Update verwachte transacties met betaalwijze

    • input parameter(s):
      • factuur (N_Invoice)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages)
  • N_Verwachte transactie - Set bedragen vast nadat transactie definitief gemaakt is

    • input parameter(s):
      • expected_transaction (N_ExpectedTransaction)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages)
  • N_Expected Transaction - Split

    • input parameter(s):
      • expected_transaction (N_ExpectedTransaction)
      • lines_to_split (List<Mixed>)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages),new_expected_transaction (N_ExpectedTransaction)
  • N_Invoice - Check expected transactions of invoice when payment method will be changed (UI)

    • input parameter(s):
      • invoice (N_Invoice)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages),continue (Boolean)
  • N_ExpectedTransaction - Add

    • input parameter(s):
      • bank_account_owner (N_BankAccount)
      • bank_account_contact (N_BankAccount)
      • status (N_ConceptDefinitief - Enumeration)
      • expected (DateTime)
      • payment_reference (String)
      • currency (N_Currency)
      • payment_method (N_PaymentMethod)
      • description (String)
      • commit (Boolean)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages),expected_transaction (N_ExpectedTransaction)
  • N_ExpectedTransactionLine - Add based on invoice

    • input parameter(s):
      • expected_transaction (N_ExpectedTransaction)
      • invoice (N_Invoice)
      • payment_type (N_VastRestant - Enumeration)
      • fixed_amount (MoneyEUR)
      • priority (Int)
      • commit (Boolean)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages),expected_transaction_line (N_ExpectedTransactionLineItem)
  • N_Invoice - Get payment reference, date and description for expected transaction

    • input parameter(s):
      • invoice (N_Invoice)
      • payment_method (N_PaymentMethod)
    • return value(s):
      • description (String),expected_date (DateTime),payment_reference (String)
  • N_Expected Transaction - Revert status to draft

    • input parameter(s):
      • expected_transaction (N_ExpectedTransaction)
    • return value(s):
      • success (Boolean),error (Messages)