Hey Novulo Community!
I have some questions regarding how to use the Release Notes. I would like to use the release notes to communicate which functionalities have been released.
Are there guidelines or considerations that I should take into account when creating and distributing the release notes?
My main goal is to communicate to Key-Users what functionalities they can start Testing/Accepting, but I would like to know the basics on using the release notes
@SteffenBeu, in our release notes we cover these questions:
What has changed/new: description of the change or new functionality delivered;
Who does this impact: nobody, administrators, store staff, warehouse staff, etc.
What needs to be configured: what settings one needs to make a change/new functionality work (configuration, templates, etc.).
How to use it: what changes for a user and what different is than before (for example, an extra button, different screen, etc.).
@SteffenBeu, I have just added more info based on the article from the Novulo knowledge base:
What to write?
A release note should be 6-200 words describing the change and impact for key users, end users and support.
- Always include any required additional configuration (settings, datasets);
- Always mention renaming of elements;
- Language: relevant for your customers.
Release notes for changes not relevant for end users?
- E.g. “fix field names”, “produce” > Yes! To avoid questions including “why is component M123 upgraded, but there is no RN?”;
- Having the release note allows for a full check on the contents.
Keep the reader in mind!
What has changed/is new:
New field “Delivery to contact person” on the Delivery Schedule page.
New fields “delivery to contact person (deviating)” and “delivery to contact person (schedule)” on the expected delivery.
Who is affected:
Employees who come into contact with Delivery Schedules and expected deliveries.
How do I use it:
If the selected contact is an organization, the Delivery to contact person field will be visible. This applies to both the delivery schedule and the expected delivery. The delivery to contact person can only be filled with people who fall under the selected organization.
How to create?
From the Novulo Architect a release note can be created while saving the component.
During the saving proces notes can be added to a Product Issue (PI).
- Save the component, and choose the applicable PI
- Write your relesase note
- Change the “message type” to ‘Release note’.
- (Optional) Step 2 + 3 can also be done as a second message for the same PI. This can be done with the button “Add message”.