This screenshots represents a second step in a process which continuesly checks for missing fields on “ServiceLines” and then when a value is null(), it will concat a message to my Process Variables. Although that’s what I want it to do. Sadly, it just returns the last “concatted” string, even when every value of this process should return null() and concat more information to the String.
The message returns the follow:
Service lines incomplete (, Beneficiary amount), are you sure you want to resolve?
Where it should return
Service lines incomplete (Insured amount, Deductible amount, Claim Amount, Beneficiary amount), are you sure you want to resolve?
And this is the set-up in the expression editor, which show the message:
My theory is that with every step I keep resetting the value of the Process Variable, but I don’t know this for sure. Please let me know if you need any more information.
@Jesse, usually the flow is: declare a variable > get a variable > use a decision step (condition) > inside the condition flow (true or false branch) set a variable > go back to get a variable. You could try to move Get step before the decision step.
Every time you set your variable, you are overwriting the current value with the new value. If you want to extend it, make sure to first get the current value and to extend it with the new string. Your expression should look something like this: