Over the summer, 10 plug-ins have received updates, which are now available to implement into your component in the Architect. In this announcement you will find the affected plug-ins and a short description of the changes. If you want further information, please contact your primary contact person.
Signed plug-ins
P11 String Extensions r.116852
PI51749 - Inconsistent behaviour in isinteger / tointeger functions
Behaviour (in SQL and in C#) in the isinteger / tointeger has been aligned and now produces the same result in both cases. Works in SQL Server 2012 or higher. For 2008, it uses a classic implementation and can still result in an SQL exception when a numeric string cannot fit in an int column.
PI52143 - Fix DB version check in ToInteger by checking on compatibility level instead of server version
Bugfix - When using the ToInteger function, the previous release (PI51749) made sure that it works the same as the IsInteger function. However, the detection of the database version did not take its compatibility level into account, meaning that a 2008 compatible database on a 2019 server would result in deciding that itâs a 2019 database, which in turn results into a breaking exception.
P19 Dynamic Document r.116229
PI51614 - Aanpassing plug-in Dynamic Document - DynamicDocumentPanel
An additional check has been added whether discussion is possible on a content block, in order to still allow to start discussions when a content block is marked as readonly for example.
P22 PDF Merger r.115021
PI50904 - Fix "Access denied to ConversionLog.xml" error
Bugfix - When performing a merge, there was a chance that the merge action wanted to write a conversion log (ConversionLog.xml) to an inaccessible location. This could happen regardless of the supplied files to merge.
P60 Grid Extensions r.116317
PI50746 - In-line grid edit to follow Zebra stripes pattern
Columns in an inline edit grid are completely white. To some, this is considered to be not pretty, especially when there are multiple editable columns. So weâve made the background color of the editable columns 50% transparent, so that the zebra pattern starts to become visible while at the same time the columns are still recognizable enough to be distinguishable from normal columns.
PI51164 - Restyle the inline edit buttons to fit in the default range of 30px (PI46647)
When having inline edit features enabled in a grid, there was a possibility that the ability to scroll through the records was limited and felt broken. The last rows were not reachable until the page was refreshed by clicking on the page name. This is an issue related to the Novulo Framework. For now this plug-in includes a workaround for this by enforcing the height of the rows to equal the Frameworkâs standard (30px).
P68 Expression Tools r.116317
PI51096 - When record link fields are uneditable "Record not set yet" exceptions are thrown
Bugfixes for RecordLink field. Now it should be possible to mark the field as uneditable and still create a link to another record
What needs to be configured
On the record which you wish to place a field that points to another record:
- Place a DataStructure DataType selector field from the DataStructure plug-in and configure.
- Place a RecordLink field from the Expression tools - in the plug-in configuration, link the DataStructure DataType selector field.
Then create a way to set this field. For example a process that evaluates a record, in order to get the data type string and set them on the record on which the record link field was placed (see the manual).
How do I use it
See above or read the manual.
P106 Charts Config r.115883
PI51147 - Introduce new configuration items
A new optional configuration item has been added, which allows specifying title size. The value should be of type Int. Update the plugin in your component and configure it - either linking it to a field that contains an int value, or building an expression that evaluates to an int in the end. You also need the latest P107 Charts plug-in version.
P107 Charts r.115909
PI50713 - GetImageFromChart action results in error
Bugfix - There were changes in the Kendo Charts API, introduced with the used Kendo version by 3.8. These were not reflected on in the callback for the generate image from chart (map seems to have accounted for that).
PI51047 - Title of chart not visible in export image
Bugfixes around exporting charts/maps to image actions. Now titles are also included and there is an option to set the title size.
Needs P106 Charts Config r.115426 or higher!
P151 Single Sign-On r.117146
PI49744 - SSO via Microsoft Entra
The Single Sign-On plug-in is now capable of handling authentication responses sent by Microsoft Entra, the Azure active directory. This makes MS Entra a possible identity provider for Novulo applications.
What has to be configured
A manual is available with instructions on how to connect a Novulo application to MS Entra for authentication. Please see the manual for more information.
How do I use it
An application user can choose to authenticate with MS Entra in the same fashion as choosing for a Novulo identity provider. The authentication flow is similar.
P152 Subapplication support r.116109
PI51186 - Onhandige CSS/HTML (subapplication)
Bugfix - The CSS / HTML of the Sub Application link overlaps with elements in the bar below, this results in unexpected navigation to another page when one tries to SAVE / EDIT a record. The style has been fixed and the link is now locked in place regardless of screen layout.
PI51217 - Subapplications don't work in 3.8 when their name is too short
Bugfix - Sub applications create a tooltipster only when the name is long enough. However, the plug-in always assumes that itâs there, which resulted in an uncaught JS error.
PI51218 - "No handler for callback type 'update_subapp_name' found"
Bugfix - When editing a user from a pop-up, a Javascript warning appears. The record does save, though. If the userâs record is opened in a page, then the callback is registered, because the Subapplinks wrapper is created and the JS resource is added, which registers the callback. However, when the record is opened in a pop-up, we technically get a ânewâ window, which does not contain the Subapplink wrapper element, so the callback is not registered.
PI51240 - Subapplications can randomly block applications
Bugfix - It can occur randomly that applications that have Sub Applications, crash on start-up. A dependency to the base Novulo Widget script was missing and in these cases the plug-in tried to access it anyway, resulting in an unrecoverable error.
PI51611 - Subapplication: english translations incorrect
Bugfix - The English translations for the title of the CurrentUserInGroupFunction and CurrentUserInGroupOrGlobalFunction are not correct, the translation contains âSub appâ instead of âSub app groupâ. The âgroupâ word has been added.
P187 Instruction Generator r.115771
PI51539 / 51540 - Enable support for Novulo Framework 3.9
Enable support for Novulo Framework 3.9.
If youâd like any more information or help with updating the above plug-ins in your components, please ask your primary contact person for assistance.