REST Client plugin

P137 - Rest client plugin

The REST client plugin is a plugin that provides Architect actions that can be used within processes to perform HTTP requests against Webservices.

Plugin dependencies

This plugin has direct dependency towards the P173 - Serialization plugin. That means, whenever you intend do use the REST client plugin in your application, you should ensure that in the final integrated application, there is P173 - Serialization plugin included.
To avoid confusion and extra avoidable integrations and generations - if you include REST client plugin in a component, always include the Serialization plugin as well.

  • As a rule of thumb - when you include one of the below, also add P173 - Serialization plugin to the same component

    1. P137 - REST client
    2. P176 - Restful webservice
    3. P198 - REST Data webservice
    4. P195 - Data gathering
    5. P220 - Novulo OAuth2 plugin
  • There are rules in the composer that are in place so you are warned about the missing plugin or when using incompatible plugin revisions.

HttpAction and RESTxxx actions

The REST Client plugin provides a lot of actions - all of them to perform a HTTP request, the difference is in the used HTTP verb.

Since revision 119564 the HttpAction has been introduced, that is meant to combine all the different RESTxxx actions into a single action, which does not expose any plugin configuration and everything is set in the Parameters tab of the HttpAction .

Revision 119564 deprecates the RESTxxx actions and it is no longer recommended to use them. It is planned that the RESTxxx actions are phased out and will no longer be maintained. Any further related enhancements and bugfixes will be done on the HttpAction. When possible in the Architect, the RESTxxx actions will be removed from the palette and at some point dropped from the plugin completely.

Plugin configuration explanation

This plugin action does not have Plugin Configuration, it needs only Parameters.

Parameters This is what the HttpAction looks like in the Architect:

Name Type Description Example value
url URL The url against which the HTTP request has to be made. http://localhost:50295/rest/file_upload
method String The HTTP method for the request. These are GET/POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE POST, GET
context_id String Used in combination with the Config headers. This is the pre-fix for the value to retrieve from the webconfig. For example I have the following webconfig key: The webconfig key is : The context_id is Ddrest
skip_request_body_serialization Boolean (default false) Used to bypass serializers. Set to true to not serialize the “request_body_object” parameter. That means request_body_object should be a string
skip_response_body_serialization Boolean (default false) Used to bypass deserializers. Set to true to not deserialize the response object that is received in the response.
remove_underscore_from_ids Boolean (default false) When there is “id” tuple key in the object to serialize, the Novulo JSON Serializer makes it “id" due to compatibility reasons. Set it to true to remove the "
literal_headers List<Tuple<String,Mixed>> Literal list with the desired headers for the request. Needs at least “Content-Type” in order to be able to set the content-type of the request (and instantiate Serializer when needed) Depends on your request, but for example: [ <“Accept”,“/”>, <“Accept-Encoding”,“gzip, br, deflate, zstd”>, <“Content-Type”,“application/json”>]
config_headers List<Tuple<String,Mixed>> Any headers, the value of which should be set with a value from the webconfig. See also context_id explanation; For webconfig key “REST.Ddrest.Header.Authorization” we would get the value of the tuple replaced with the value property of the webconfig key [<“Authorization”, “Authorization”>] at runtime is translated to [<“Authorization”, “Bearer xxxxxx” >]
files List<Tuple<String,Mixed>> Any files that need to be sent with the request. Providing values here automatically makes the request of content-type “multipart/form-data”. Note, that if you have other non-file data, the provided Content-Type header value in the literal headers should indicate what Serializer should be used to handle the request_body_object. The value is of [<string,mixed>] type, where the key of the tuple is the name of the expected file parameter at the receiving party. I.O.W The tuple key will be used as the “name” parameter in the Content-Disposition header of the multipart body. See this My Webservice endpoint expects a file parameter name “file_value”. So i have to set the following value: [<“file_value”,file:load(754)>], where the file:load is replaced with reference to your file record]
timeout_ms Int After what time (in milliseconds) the Client should abort the request Int value. Any reasonable amount required to send a request to the targeted webserver and get response from it.
certfile File File reference to a certificate to use in order to authenticate the request. A reference to the Cert file in your application.
certpassword String Password for the certfile parameter (if the certificate file is password protected)
request_body_object Mixed Can be string, can be <string,mixed>, can be list of <string,mixed>. If it is a string, then you should set skip_request_body_serialization to true
Return values The plugin action has the following return values:

Name Type Explanation
success Boolean Default Novulo Action return value. True - if the action succeeded, false if error occured
error Messages Default Novulo Action return value. NULL if success is True, if success is False - the message is set with description on what went wrong.
response_object Mixed The response body. If parameter skip_response_body_serialization is set to true, then this would be a string. If set to false, then the response body would be serialized to one of:
- Tuple<String,Mixed>,
- List<Tuple<String,Mixed>>,
- List<List<Tuple<String,Mixed>>>
response_object_ntype_string** String The Novulo datatype of the response_object
response_status Int The HTTP Response Status code of the HTTP Response (i.e. 200, 400, 401, 404, 500 etc.)
response_body String The raw response body as String. This is not Serialized
request_uri String The URL against which the Http request has been made.
request_body String The raw request body as a String that was sent with the Http request.
request_time Int The time (in milliseconds) it took to get a response from the server
has_timed_out Boolean True if a Request timeout occurred (HTTP 408)
response_status_message String The status message of the returned HttpStatusCode (i.e. 200 = OK, 400 = BadRequest etc.)

** response_object_ntype_string is missing from the plugin action definition in revision 119564. To be added… You can use the following combination to get to the response_object datatype (until its added in the HttpAction)

  • Expression tools - ExpressionToolsToExpressionString, with parameter being the http_action.response_object
  • Expression tools - EvaluateExpression, with parameter “expression” being the result of ^
  • The result of EvaluateExpression contains the NovuloDataType of the Object, under the return value named resulttype.
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For sending basic HTTP requests, consider adding M10074 and M7899 to your composition. It uses the plugin described above at its core and allows for configuration within the application.

The components handle multiple authentication scenarios, the building of dynamic bodies, the configuration of dynamic headers and the computation of dynamic URLs.
Use the postman-like configuration to send/receive any data and process responses within the Novulo application.

Example use case: Call Templates - Using call parameters in a call template export