Before start > check the post about Workflow configuration
Add a workflow
Go to Views > Workflows all > fill in a form:
- Configuration = workflow configuration,
- Description,
- Status,
- Foreground,
- Queue name,
- Sheduled action,
- Current step > step within steps in the selected workflow configuration.
For the first run set debug mode = yes. In the debug mode you can confirm each step and see it performes as expected and the transitions are correct. In debug mode = no > a workflow run from the beginning to the end without pauses.
When the debug mode is set to true, you can set mannually status and current step.
A workflow will run with the default settings: set a workflow configuration and a description > set debug = yes > save > run one step:
This field is set automatically when the workflow is running and shows the current status of a workflow.
Scheduled action
You can choose to run a workflow from the current ste or determine next step yourself:
If you set “Determine next step” > you can choose from all steps available from the selected workflow configurations:
Your workflow continues from the selected current step.
Current step
This field is set automatically when the workflow is running and shows on which step workflow is.
Workflow parameters
You can also add the starting values = workflow parameters, if any are required.
Workflow state values
The records are added automatically when the workflow is running: what was the step and what is the value it returned.
User input
If you set user interaction steps > inputs, buttons will be visible while running a workflow. In the example below the current step = user_input_date and we are waiting for a user to answer a question (choose a date) and click on the button:
How to run a workflow
You can start a workflow from the workflow form > as soon as you filled in the form and saved it > the button is visible:
You can use the “Start workflow” process from the Process action definitions (as a step with the type = Process call > Process call = “Start workflow”). Make sure that a workflow configuration used by the process has a parameter with an exact corresponding parameter (be very attentive while setting a data type, for example).
For instance: M3035 starts a workflow for its marketing track functionality, always containing at least the parameter “marketingtrack”. So a workflow configuration for marketing tracks always has to have “Requires initial state” set to yes, and contain the parameter “marketingtraject”.
Why can’t I refer to my previous step?
- check the name you are trying to refer if there are no typos;
- check the Context (in the field where you want to type an expression > type “this.” + Crtl + space to see which variables are available to refer to)
I got the parameter error
- check name and data type of the parameter if they are valid.
Error “No more steps are available”
Check if the last step in your workflow configuration has outgoing transaction(s) from this step to “None”.