This article is a proof of concept, intendend to gather feedback
N_Description - string
The description of a sales is a free text field that helps to distinguish between different kinds of sales and might summarize what is being sold and to whom.
It is up to the user to choose an appropriate name, and it can be changed/updated without restrictions.
N_TaxInclExcl - enum: taxinclexcl
This property defined whether sales prices are calculated including or excluding tax.
N_Status (Opportunity order) - enum: N_KansOpdracht
Indicates the status of the sales: an opportunity (still in quotation phase) or an order.
N_Is intercompany (fx) - enum: yesno
Two organizations that both have the checkmark “my organization” set can exchange products by creating intercompany purchases and sales. An intercompany sales always has a related intercompany purchase. Intercompany sales are generated based on intercompany purchases.
N_Is invoicing completed (fx) - enum: yesno
This function indicates if all invoices have been sent for this sales.
N_Owner (organization) (fx) - N_Organization
The owner of the sales, typically the seller of the sales order.
Links to other concepts
N_Customer - N_Contact
The customer of the sales.
N_Department (customer) - N_Department
This feature registers (optionally) the department of the customer.
N_Department (my organization) - N_Department
This is the department of the owner organization, so the selling party.
Used in processes
Used as input parameter
- N_Sales - Add customer note from shoppingcart (update only)
- N_Sales - Add Service request for sales lines and messages (UI) (SR51695)
- N_Sales - Automatically ensure first come first serve for suited saleslines (SR55518)
- N_Sales - Await stock completion (PI42939)
- N_Sales - Change contact and contact person at delivery plan
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Used as output parameter
- N_Stock count - Create sales based on consignment stock
- N_ContractLines - Create sales and sales lines for framework agreement
- N_Delivery - Get customer sales (take into account drop shipment)
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