Navigation: how to work with tables (basics)

Before start: check the post about the basics of navigating a Novulo application

This wiki will go through the basics of working with tables (grids) in a Novulo application.


  1. How to work with tables (basics)
  2. Tables: How to add and remove columns
  3. How to add, edit and remove data
  4. Tables: How to add and remove footers
  5. Tables: How to add and remove filters

1. How to work with tables (grids/overviews)

The table in the example is called a “main-table”, “main-grid” or “main-overview”. This is because it covers the full window. All tables within Novulo have the same basic structure:

  • Grid buttons (1). They allow you to customize the table and edit rows, like add and delete.
  • Column search or Quick search (2). This icon enables search fields. There you can search rows per column individually.
  • Columns (3). You can sort rows based on columns.
  • Footer (4). Footers can be set for columns to count and calculate data.

To sort any column, click on its title . A small arrow will appear to indicate the sorting direction (asc, desc).

To search within a column, click in the search field above any column and type a search query. Confirm the search query by pressing the ENTER button on your keyboard.

Depending on your search you will get matching results or a notification about an invalid search query.

The same search query does not work in every column. For example, you cannot search for text in a column that is meant for numbers. Within Novulo there are three different data types:

  • Dates (eg.: 1-1-2020, November, today…)
  • Text (eg.: test, ‘‘Text separated by spaces’’, …)
  • Numbers (eg.: 100, 1.2 , 1,5 ,…)

Each data type has its own search requirements and possibilities. Find out more about how to search per data type and how to use search operators by clicking on the small question mark in the search field.

You can perform searches for multiple columns at the same time. Type another search query in a neighbouring field and press ‘‘ENTER’’ to search.

You can remove all current search queries at once by clicking on the “Close” button (to the left from the search fields).

Sometimes it is necessary to export data to further work on it in Excel, for example. Export the current table by selecting the gear icon on the top right of the screen and then selecting the ‘‘Export’’ option.

2. Tables: How to add and remove columns

Novulo allows you to customize every table so that you only see (and load!) the information that is important to you.

Important tip
You can speed up loading times significantly by removing all unnecessary columns. If you experience tables as “slow”, first consider removing unnecessary columns.

Add columns

To open the column manager, click the gear icon in the upper right corner. Then, click on the ‘‘Columns’’ option. On the right side of your screen a sidebar will be opened. This sidebar is called “Column manager”. It consists of different elements.

  • Search field (1): Here you can type the name of any column and press “ENTER” to search for it.
  • Column labels (2): These are columns that you can add to your table by dragging them to the right position.
  • Category titles (3): These are categories that you can open and close by clicking on the arrow to the left of it.

To add a column, click and hold a bold title. Release the mouse button when the cursor is above the title of another column. The new column will be added next to this column, as indicated by the small arrows.

Dragging columns to the right position may not always work since you need to release the mouse button at the correct position. If it did not work on the first try, please repeat the previous steps a few times.

When a column has been added to a table, a small check mark appears next to the title in the sidebar.

Remove columns

To remove any column, move your cursor to its title and click on the “Close” button.

To restore the default columns, first click on the gear icon , then select “Reset column settings”.

Caution! You cannot reverse this action. Only do this if you are sure that you do not need any of the current columns.

3. How to add, edit and remove data

Add data

Navigate to a main-grid. lt is important that you chose a table, where you have the right to add and remove data.

Add a new record (page) to the table by clicking on an add-button. A new page will open. Fill in some text fields. Then click on “SAVE”.

Note: It may happen that you are notified to fill in more fields by a small triangle. Fill in highlighted fields and try again.

To edit the data you just entered, click on the pen icon in the top right of the screen. You are now back in the so called ‘‘edit-mode’’. If you click on ‘‘SAVE’’ or ‘‘CANCEL’’ again, you will return to the ‘‘view mode’’ of the record.

Delete data

Go back to the main grid. Search for the record that you just added and select it by checking the checkbox on the left. To delete the record click on the delete button.

4. Tables: How to add and remove footers

Set footers

Footers can be set at the bottom of columns. They can be used to count the amount of items in a list, to calculate the sum of prices, the average value of some number or to determine the maximum and minimum.

To set a footer, go to any table (1). Click the gear icon in the upper right corner (2) > click on the “Columns” option > on the right side of the screen a sidebar will be opened. We do not need this sidebar for this step, but it should remain open. At the bottom of each column, buttons did appear (3) > pick any of the buttons and click on it (4).

Check the checkbox called “Count”. The amount of rows will be counted immediately and the number will be displayed at the bottom of the column.

You can set as many checkmarks as you like. Columns that contain numbers also contain the option “Sum” and “Average”.

Now you can close the column menu.

Remove footer

You can remove any footer by opening the column manager again and then by unchecking the corresponding checkmark.

Notice! For tables with more than 1000 rows, a footer can slow down loading times, since a lot of data has to be gathered.

5. Tables: How to add and remove filters

It is possible to filter records (table rows) based on their properties. Filters can be turned on or off once they have been set up.

Add filters

Click on the filter icon in the top right corner > select the ‘‘New filter’’ option > a white block appears above the table:

Click on ‘‘Add new rule’’ > a window is being opened with three areas:

  • Field (1): Here you can select the property/data/column you want to filter by,
  • Operator (2): Operators are used to add “logic” to your rule and define the relation to a value,
  • Value (3): A value is either a number or some text.

Any filter contains at least one rule. You can combine multiple rules to build more complex filters.

Let’s create a filter to show only items that were created by you, this year. The filter combines two rules: all items that were created by you AND that were also created this year.

  1. We start with the “field” area to create the first rule. Scroll in the list until you see ‘‘Created by’’. 2) In the ''Operator ‘’ area several operators will become available. In the case of the example, we want to create a filter for everything that has been created by the current user (you).
    Click on ''Equals current user ‘’.
  2. Click on ‘‘Insert rule’’ to save the first rule of your filter. The window will close.

The rule has been saved and is now underlined in blue.

Now, we have to create the second rule. Click on the AND button to add a new line.

Note: “AND” and “OR” determine the relationship between multiple rules. For our example we need all items that were created by you AND that were also created this year. All items that were created by you OR that were also created this year would result in different filter. You can read more about operators in the post about expressions.

A new rule with the name ‘‘Add new rule’’ appears. Click on ‘‘Add new rule’’.

  1. In the “Field” area search until you find ‘‘Created at’’. Click on it.
  2. In the ‘‘Operator’’ area, select the operator "is between ".
  3. In the ‘‘Value’’ area fill in the first day of this year and the last day of this year.
  4. Click on ‘‘Insert rule’’. The window will close.

Enter a convenient and short name for your filter. Then click on save.

Turn on/off a filter

The new filter was successfully stored and switched on immediately. You can click on any filter to turn it on. This automatically disables all other filters. Check whether your filter works by viewing the rows of the table. All rows that you see were created by you, this year.

Tip: If you do not see any rows, you can add a test item to the table. Do not forget to delete it afterwards.

Change filter priority

By default, new filters are turned off. If you want this filter to be “always on”, drag it up one position with your mouse. The first filter is always on, by default.

Delete/edit the filter

If you want to delete/edit the filter, click on the needed icon (pen or cross) next to it.

Tip! Also have a look at the instructions in your application. By default the Novulo instructions component and “Novulo basics” dataset should be part of your application. This gives you the option to go through these instructions of the Novulo basics within the Novulo application itself.

All apps > Management > My instructions (1) > search for Novulo Basic instruction (2) > Start (3) > Read (4).