Update installers + deployment Thu May 23h 08:30 - 12:00

Installers will be updated, deployment needs an update in support of that.

Time frame
16th May 2024 08:30 - 12:00

Planned or unplanned
Expected impact
Downtime and expected change of behavior and needed additional configuration

Features / changes

  • installers have updated plugins

  • installers can create an integrated / 64 bits apppool

  • installers have fixcachedfields settings per application

  • message for rolling back an installation has been clarified

  • deployment instance page has been redesigned to accommodate all the new fields (it got too busy)

  • deployment has some changes to support the installer update

  • servers and architectcompanies are now linked for rightspurposes. Only if your company has create rights on a server you can create a new application on this server. The dataconversion will import read rights to all servers you currently have an application on. Create rights will be added by hand after the update.

Who to contact If you have issues during the installation, I probably will pick up on it. After 12:30 please contact your primary support contact or create an SR.

Product(s) affected

App Server Architect Composer Deployment Installer Novulo Network

I have been asked about the update plan:
First we update deployment, afterwards we’ll update the installers. This will take approximately 5 minutes per installer. We’ll be prioritizing installers with active orders and installations. So while we don’t expect a 4 hour downtime, we expect the sum of the updates to take this long and while your installer is updating, there might be timing issues, so to just be aware that might happen.

Today’s update was only partially completed due to an error during first installation of the installers. An additional window is required to complete the update.

Installerupdaters will be updated today, the installers of smaller applications will be updated without downtime, deployment and the rest of the installers will be updated next thursday during this window.
New release window Thu 23rd of May, 9:00-12:00
Downtime only during deployment update from 9:00 - 9:15