Acceptance templates in Novulo

This topic covers the general implementation of acceptance templates. Acceptance templates can be used to automatically accept/reject or manually approve/reject certain amount of criteria for different use cases. These criteria can be created and configured by you as the user.

Components supporting acceptance templates

In order to use the acceptance templates, you’ll need to add the following core component to your model. (see: The Novulo Composer)

  • M8601 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen

There are also translation components where the dropout message can be translated

  • M9506 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen NL
  • M9507 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen EN
  • M9508 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen DE
  • M9509 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen FR
  • M9510 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen ES
  • M9511 Novulo Acceptatiesjablonen en statussen IT

There are certain acceptance template components available for use for different applications. In the list underneath the current applications are summarized:

  • M8602 Novulo Acceptatie bij verkoop
  • M8616 Novulo Acceptatie bij Verzekeringen
  • M8883 Novulo Acceptatie bij urenregistratie
  • M9072 Novulo Acceptatie bij Webwinkelwagen
  • M9504 Novulo Acceptatie bij Serviceverzoek
  • M9625 Novulo Acceptatie bij Schadetransactie
  • M9816 Novulo Acceptatie bij boeking
  • M9847 Novulo Acceptatie bij naverrekening
  • M10574 Novulo Acceptatie bij betaalopdrachten

The following additional component can be used to apply autorization management at acceptance templates to set a authorication level per acceptance criterion if neccessary.

  • M9575 Novulo Bevoegdheidstype bij Acceptatiecriterium

And this one can be expanded with functionality from the following components:

  • M9577 Novulo Bevoegdheidscontrole bij service obv acceptatiesjabloon
  • M9654 Novulo Bevoegdheidscontrole bij Acceptatieresultaat
  • M9655 Novulo Bevoegdheidscontrole bij systeemversie obv acceptatiesjabloon
  • M9838 Novulo Bevoegdheidscontrole bij boeking obv acceptatiesjabloon

How to use

Acceptance templates and criterion

Acceptance template

For the following example we describe the usage of an acceptance template for system versions/ insurances.

First of al we need to create a ‘Acceptance template type’ under the general settings > acceptance template type, which is quite straightforward. We need to set a description, context (type) and return type. See the example underneath:

‘Acceptance templates’ can be configured at the general settings > acceptance templates. When adding a template a few general fields have to be configured namely:

  • Description
  • Type (the template created above)
  • Use random dropout If set, a number has to be given for 1 in how many times a random dropout will be given
  • Default status if criterium fails Default dropout status for each criterium (can be differed at the criterium)
  • Force acceptance by another user Not used at this moment

Acceptance criterion

When done with the first part we need to setup different acceptance criteria. These obviously have to be determined by yourself and then set them correctly by using Novulo expressions which can be found in the general settings aswell. For more knowledge about using Novulo expressions read: Expressions in Novulo

When an acceptance template gets evaluated the criterion will be checked individually based on their sequence number. A criterion fails whenever the checked expression returns true, meaning dropout will happen. A criterion can be setup configuring the following fields:

  • Sequence number
  • Description
  • Check expression The Novulo expression
  • Acceptance status Default means pick the one set at the template
  • Dropout message What will be shown to the user. This field can be translated by using the translation components
  • Return authorization type When set, a authorization type has to be set (e.g. Junior/Senior) meaning only users with this role can authorize and accept these kind of criteria when dropout happens

Usage at System version

In the picture above you can see the usage of acceptance at a system version. To set the acceptance template at a system version you have to refer to the sales price list item and there acceptance templated can be set in the corresponding general ‘Acceptance templates’ tab. This is the place where also the mutation reason, acceptance questions, closing statements and progress configuration is set.

Acceptance can be done manually, when trying to finalize a system version or automatically via a workflow (which is our best practise). When running the acceptance process ‘System version - Run acceptance’ acceptance will be evaluated in the context of this system version. When one of the criteria fails it stops and determines if manual acceptance is needed or if acceptance is rejected. It will inform you this via the latest acceptance result field. Also shown is the template used, and who did the acceptance and at which timestamp. When acceptance is fully done and no steps return false acceptance is given and the process can be continued.

When making use of authorization, this will also be shown in this panel and the user will be informed if he/she is authorized to manually accept the current step where acceptance failed.