Is there a post listing common errors, to-do items, installation considerations, and their solutions? I know there are already some individual posts, but when updating, I often run into an error or to-do item where I’m not sure what the next step should be. If it doesn’t excist already, I would like to use this post to bundle common errors, exceptions, to-do items, etc. and link to each error with individual posts.
The cached fields have not been fixed yet.
Plug-ins are not compatible with updated components
I understand there is not a once size fits all solution for these errors, but better understanding of the problem and next steps would be wonderful.
Thanks for your response!
When I see the error plugin loadtab is not backwards compatible with components x. The message indicates that ignoring the problem might bring some severe consequences. However I noticed that there are live models where this problem was ignored during installation.
So can you explain me:
What is the function of plugin loadtab?
Can I ignore this error?
If yes, under which conditions can and can’t I ignore it?
If no, what are my next steps for updating a model when I encounter this problem?
Welcome to the community! I’d be happy to help you with your questions regarding plug-in compatibility.
The LoadTab plug-in can open a random page or open a tab from a random page. It doesn’t matter if that page (or record) is already open on your screen. You could see it as a more advanced LoadPageAction.
The reason for the LoadTab’s backwards incompatibility is a change in one of its actions, the “LoadPageWithTabAction”. In the latest version (r.102560) a parameter of this action got dropped.
Can you ignore this error: yes you can, under the condition that the components in your application that use the older plug-in version(s), don’t use the LoadPageWithTabAction. However, if they do, it will throw an error at some point. I don’t really know for sure when, but this could happen during compiling in deployment or at the latest at runtime when the action gets executed.
If your application contains models using the older plug-in’s LoadPageWithTabAction, then you’d need to update those components in order to prevent your application from breaking at the ‘some point’.
I’m hoping that my explanation makes sense. As you can see, it’s indeed not necessarily ‘one size fits all’. We try to make all plug-in revisions backwards compatible with each other, but sometimes we really cannot avoid it. In such a case the Composer will tell you in the best way it can why they’re not compatible.