Novulo Deployment

The deployment application

Check also: How can I set up a new application?

How to find an order?

Once you have an integration string from the Composer, the deployment can integrate and generate your model.

You can find an order you have sent from composer in “Open orders” or in “Instancies” > search for your app.

Also you can use the globalsearch in deployment to find your application (with ctrl-F or clicking it) > so for instances it will look through the application url and the application description.


  • Platform version: make sure it is the most recent one.
  • Presentation Layer: Should be Kendo.
  • Checkboxes:

For a standard workflow, check the first two boxes to automatically start integration and generation. Make sure that the third one is NOT checked, so it is still possible to add dataconversion before installation. The fourth check mark is nice to have, but optional. It automatically starts the installation workflow once the order is sent to the Installer.

  • Platform version, Architect version, Integration queue, Generator version, Generator queue, Framework version: they are set by default.
    [WIP] What are cases when you need to adjust them?

Model, Source, Instance

These settings allow you to create a new integrated model or update the existing one

  • Model
    If you are making a new model, you need to select “New model” and specify the name of your model. For the existing model the name is set automatically when you create an order.
  • Source
    Specify the complete svn url: where XXXX is your modelnumber. For the existing model it is set automatically.
  • Instance
    For the existing model you can choose among instances created for the model (for example, DTAP street).
    For a new instance:
  1. the name of your instance (or name of your application) could be the same as the name of your model, but you usually want to specify whether this application is used for testing your model or not; this name will also be displayed in the browser when using the application instance;
  2. the server can either be Lokaal uitrollen (local hosting) to test your application on your own computer, Staging01 to test your application online or a server specified by a customer;
  3. the directory depends on whether you’re hosting locally or not. If you’re hosting locally, the directory needs to be the same as the directory on your pc in C:\inetpub\wwwroot (more on this in the chapter Component development, as local hosting is mostly interesting for developers). If you’re not hosting locally, Deployment will generate a directory based on the name you specify here, meaning that for instance the name can’t use spaces. Use all lower case characters, no whitspaces or special characters! This name is also used as database name, etc. Disk quota can be left blank. (Initial default quota assigned is 1 GB).

Notice! you can’t start the deployment if a model, source or instance is NOT set.

Start/Won’t integrate/Only integrate

When the main settings are done, you can perform the following actions:

  • Start: start the deployment.
    Notice! If the “Start workflow” button is missing, that means that there is still an order of this instance in progress/unfinished or there are installation concerns. If there is a blocking (unfinished) installation > click on the link “Blocking installation” > finish it:
  • Won’t use order: cancel the order.
  • Only integrate: [WIP] > when we use it?

A started order in deployment is a planned sequence of actions:

  1. Integrating: creating a model;
  2. Generating: creating the code for your application, based on your model;
  3. Installing: compiling your code and send it to the installer on the specified server.

More > Release log

Here you can see on what step you are in the deployment.


During the deployment the installation workflow informs you where you are in the deployment flow and whether there are any errors or concers.

  • NB-plugins concerns: the workflow checks the validity of NB plugin version selection:​
    Is the version higher than in your model​
    Does the plugin appear in your model at all​
    What is the status of the plugin version​
    Newer NB version available​
    Contains error​

Example is here [WIP]

  • TODO items:
    before installation​: handwritten by developers, saved at component revisions​; warn about upcoming changes (for instance moved fields, removed functionality)​;
    after installation:​ Installer workflow tries to execute system health check quickfixes​; if these fail, a TODO item is created.​
    The deployment will stop if there are TODO items you need to process before installation. Go to the “installation concers” > TODO items > read every item carefully and check what must be done or taken into account > mark an item as skipped, irrelevant or done.

  • Update scripts:
    It contains all the database changes between the two versions​. It is final check to approve, change, or prevent changes to your data!​
    DO NOT APPROVE IF you don’t fully understand the changes. Ask the Project Owner first.

Also check the example.

Finish the deployment

Click on the Installer link as soon as the message tells you so:

Finish the order in the Novulo Installer