Types of installations
The new installation
This option is used only once per application. Check How can I set up a new application?
This the type of installation that makes structural changes to an application. This type of installation will automatically be created when you add a new order to deployment, which is done when updating or creating a test application. You can also create an installation of this type yourself, which is necessary when you want to update a live application.
The difference between a full deployment order and only an installation is the used code. A full order will first integrate the model and then generate the code to SVN. This new code will then be installed.
For clients with a test and live application or a DTAP-street, you need to be wary that you only use a full deployment order for a test application. To update a live application, you need to reuse the same generated code that has been tested and approved in the test application, meaning that you only use an installation for a live application.
The same goes for all situations where you don’t want to change the code. For instance, changing the web.config or applying new custom web.config settings or changing the serials.
Update data only does not change the structure of the application, only the data. Note that this still can have a big impact on the application. This type of installation is used to add preset data to the application (for instance, a list of countries), but is also used to add pre-made configurations to the application. The latter case can make or break an application, as certain functionalities might depend on, for instance, workflow configurations. (check Installing datasets, for example).
This is a type of installation that adds certain functionalities to an application that are temporarily needed for a proper analysis of the application. For example, you can add a “trace” to the application, which allows you to thoroughly record every process that is done by the application to see exactly what is happening.
##Finish the installation
The the installation is ready, you see two options (buttons):
- Yes: it makes the previous installation final. Note that if you use this option, you cannot go back to the backup created before the previous update.
- No: this will undo the previous update and put the application back to how it was before the previous update. Note that you should be very careful when selecting this option in any live application as it will undo any data changes that happened after the last update.
Before the clicking on “Yes” button, you have to run the control steps:
- updating rightsprofiles;
- check the system health;
- check important scenario’s;
- check with the customer;
- then accept (or revert) changes.