How do I find the function behind an consumed concept?


In my new component, which check ServiceLines on the data which is in the ServiceLine, I’m checking on the consumed function beneficiary_amount (fx).
I’ve a theory in which this function doesn’t precisely do what I want it to do and that is get the amount_to_pay(), since I’m checking if this is not 0.0 EUR.

Now, I want to be sure of the fact that beneficiary_amount (fx) isn’t the same function as amount_to_pay(), since the latter isn’t produced. A search in my application in Architect, doesn’t find me beneficiary_amount.

So how can I find out what this functions includes?

So Robin helped me out. In the concept manager (on the correct component) it shows the name of the function. I couldn’t know since the name of the function was completely different from the name of the produced concept.

If you can trace the right component, by either looking it up through the app-server or by using trace component in your company model. You should open this and look for produced concept. In the concept manager you can see the produced concept and find the function it produced:

In this case it was “entitled_to()”, which didn’t make sense to me, so that’s why I couldn’t find this.


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Thanks for taking the time to post the answer to help other members of the community! :slight_smile: