This article is a proof of concept, intended to gather feedback
A person in the context of HR software refers to an individual employee, job candidate, or manager whose information is stored and managed within the software system. This can include personal details, job-related data, performance evaluations, training records, and other relevant information. HR software allows HR professionals to efficiently manage and organize information pertaining to individuals within the organization and streamline various HR processes such as recruiting, performance management, and employee development.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Volledige naam (fx)
Full name is the complete name of a person, including their first, middle, and last names.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_First name
First letters refers to the initial letters of a person’s first name and last name.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Date of birth
Age is the length of time a person has been alive, typically calculated from the date of birth.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: Date
N_Telefoon persoonlijk/prive
Telephone personal/private refers to a personal phone number owned and used by the individual and not provided by the organization.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Email (private)
Email is a form of electronic communication that allows people to send and receive messages, files, and other data over the internet.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: EmailAddress
N_Language (preferred)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: de8cd71d-daa0-450b-84de-ba2bd149dd13
N_First letters
First letters refers to the initial letters of a person’s first name and last name.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Functie (primair)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: 87db0e15-6c0a-4bb1-89f4-8dffc29595c8
Sex refers to a person’s biological characteristics, often used to distinguish between male and female.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: N_Geslacht
N_Inherits from contact (fx)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: a1f1fca8-cb11-4c1b-88c8-09d5e30e4940
N_Is medewerker van mijn organisatie (fx)
“Is an employee of my organization” refers to a person who is currently employed by the organization and whose information is stored within the HR system.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: yesno
Infix refers to a grammatical term that describes a morpheme or a set of words that is placed between prefixes and suffixes within a word.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
Initials are the first letters of a person’s names, but typically exclude their surname.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Adressering fx
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Aanhef fx
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Date of death
Date of death is the day, month, and year when a person passed away.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: Date
N_Telefoon mobiel prive
Private mobile phone refers to a phone number that is owned and used by the individual personally and not provided by the organization.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Is deceased
“Is deceased” refers to a person who has passed away and is no longer living.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: yesno
BSN (Burgerservicenummer) is a unique identification number for individuals registered in the Netherlands, similar to a Social Security number in the United States.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
Initials are the first letters of a person’s names, but typically exclude their surname.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
N_Resource obv primaire functie (fx)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: 2f9f407a-557b-4bfc-b0a4-8672f0c8f422
N_Eerste inlogaccount (fx)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: d7638914-8378-4e48-9de9-dae0f230c5be
N_Eerste nationaliteit (SR27690)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: 925f1cef-102b-4983-bb39-352ad31edbe4
N_Marital status
Marital status refers to a person’s current legal relationship status, such as single, married, divorced, or widowed.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: Marital state (SR27689)
N_Age (fx)
Age is the length of time a person has been alive, typically calculated from the date of birth.
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: Int
N_Employeenumber (fx) (SR52843)
- parent concept: N_Person
- type: String
Used in processes
N_Activiteit - Nieuwe activiteit obv Sjabloon
- input parameter(s):
- activiteit_sjabloon (N_ActivityTemplate)
- workflow_id (Int)
- datum (DateTime)
- datum_eind (DateTime)
- datum_reminder (DateTime)
- status (N_ActiviteitStatus - Enumeration)
- eigenaar_organisatie (N_Contact)
- eigenaar_persoon (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_Activity - Initialize based on activity template (update only)
- input parameter(s):
- activiteit_sjabloon (N_ActivityTemplate)
- workflow_id (Int)
- datum (DateTime)
- datum_eind (DateTime)
- datum_reminder (DateTime)
- status (N_ActiviteitStatus - Enumeration)
- eigenaar_organiastie (N_Contact)
- eigenaar_persoon (N_Person)
- activiteit (N_Activity)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_Activiteit - Nieuwe activiteit tbv Service
- input parameter(s):
- servicebetrokkene (N_ServiceStakeholder)
- activiteit_sjabloon (N_ActivityTemplate)
- workflow_id (Int)
- datum (DateTime)
- datum_eind (DateTime)
- datum_reminder (DateTime)
- status (N_ActiviteitStatus - Enumeration)
- eigenaar_organisatie (N_Contact)
- eigenaar_persoon (N_Person)
- serviceverzoek (N_Service)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- activiteit (N_Activity)
- input parameter(s):
N_Afwezigheid - Open pagina voor nieuwe afwezigheid
- input parameter(s):
- type (N_VerlofVerzuim - Enumeration)
- persoon (N_Person)
- startdatumtijd (DateTime)
- einddatumtijd (DateTime)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_Systeem - Voertuig toevoegen (UI)
- input parameter(s):
- kenteken (String)
- eigenaar (N_Contact)
- automatisch_aanmaken (Boolean)
- afdeling (N_Department)
- as_configuratie (String)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- eigenaar (N_Contact)
- voertuig (N_System)
- bestuurder (N_Person)
- input parameter(s):
N_Beleidsdocumentdiscussie - Voeg bericht toe (SR43439)
- input parameter(s):
- discussion (N_BusinessreportDiscussion)
- content (String)
- assigned_to (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_Person - Ensure resource
- input parameter(s):
- person (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- resource (N_Resource)
- input parameter(s):
N_Person - Prevent duplicates via pop-up
- input parameter(s):
- person (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- chosen_duplicate (N_Person)
- entry_canceled (Boolean)
- input parameter(s):
N_Absence - Subtract absence for person on date (PI39824)
- input parameter(s):
- date (Date)
- employee (N_Person)
- recurrence_pattern_basis (ListMixed)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- recurrence_pattern_return (ListMixed)
- total_timespan_hours (Float)
- number_of_unique_appointments (Int)
- input parameter(s):
N_Person - Update fields (SR57542)
- input parameter(s):
- person (N_Person)
- initials (String)
- first_name (String)
- prefix (String)
- surname (String)
- gender (N_Geslacht - Enumeration)
- e_mail (EmailAddress)
- phone (String)
- birthday (Date)
- mobile (String)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_Person - Set language at person
- input parameter(s):
- person (N_Person)
- language (N_Language)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_ContactContactLinkInformation - Get person for Barcode
- input parameter(s):
- barcode (String)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- person (N_Person)
- input parameter(s):
N_Activity - Create based on template (incl. return activity)
- input parameter(s):
- activity_template (N_ActivityTemplate)
- workflow_id (Int)
- date (DateTime)
- end_date (DateTime)
- reminder_date (DateTime)
- status (N_ActiviteitStatus - Enumeration)
- owner_organization (N_Contact)
- owner_person (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- activity (N_Activity)
- input parameter(s):
N_ActivityContentblockDiscussion - Add message
- input parameter(s):
- discussion (N_ActivityContentBlockDiscussion)
- content (String)
- assigned_to (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_Person - Execute compliancy check for person
- input parameter(s):
- person (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- is_check_executed (Boolean)
- is_check_passed (Boolean)
- input parameter(s):
N_EmployeeReference - Ensure connection person and resource
- input parameter(s):
- employee_reference (String)
- new_person_prefix (String)
- add_new (boolean)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- n_organization (N_Organization)
- n_contactcontactlink (N_ContactContactLink)
- n_person (N_Person)
- n_resource (N_Resource)
- employee_added_activated (Boolean)
- input parameter(s):
N_SalesLead - Add new lead based on contact
- input parameter(s):
- lead_source (N_SalesSource)
- owner_organization (N_Organization)
- contact (N_Contact)
- contact_person (N_ContactContactLink)
- owner_person (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- lead (N_SalesLead)
- input parameter(s):
N_WebsiteUser - Get contact data for cms user
- input parameter(s):
- cms_user (N_WebSiteUser)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- organization (N_Organization)
- contact_person (N_ContactContactLink)
- person (N_Person)
- cms_user_contact (N_Contact)
- input parameter(s):
N_Service - Check if claim belongs to organization or person
- input parameter(s):
- claim (N_Service)
- organization (N_Organization)
- person (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):
N_ActivityContentblockDiscussionMessage - Set Assigned to (sales, update only)
- input parameter(s):
- acb_discussion_message (N_ActivityContentBlockDiscussionMessage)
- assigned_to (N_Person)
- return value(s):
- success (Boolean)
- error (Messages)
- input parameter(s):