Error in the installer: The number of concurrent sessions permitted has been reached

I get the following error in the installer when I try to update my application:

Error details:
Protocol error InternalServerError while calling handler file: Internal Server Error
The following validation errors occurred:
In license STAGI-FW-364E070E-0000 (mirror) (cached): The number of concurrent sessions permitted has been reached.
In license STAGI-FW-364E070E-0000 (mirror): The number of concurrent sessions permitted has been reached.
In license STAGI-FW-364E070E-0000 (mirror): The number of concurrent sessions permitted has been reached.
In license STAGI-FW-364E070E-0000 (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ecomtestv11\bin\Framework.DLL.ldat): The number of concurrent sessions permitted has been reached.

Hey Eddie,

good question.
Depending on the licence of an application, the number of concurrent users is limited. Concurrent users are users that are logged in at the same time.

It can happen for installations of test applications that the limit of 2 users is reached fairly quickly. This can result in an error in the workflow of the installer.

To solve the issue, log out of the application and ask any colleagues to log out as well. Then click the “Retry” button.